Angela Soffe is an award-winning songwriter and producer with credits including HULU, Freeform, Disney+, Broadway World Magazine, commercials, and independent films.

She heads GlowBox Productions, producing for various sync projects, artists, and custom songs.

Argentine-American, raised in Asia, Angela is now based in Seattle, Washington. Angela Soffe is best known for her piercing lyrics and anthemic, yet intimate songwriting.

She is also a keynote speaker, delivering motivational speeches that inspire through her musical performances.

Artist. Songwriter. Music Producer.

“As a recent grand-prize winner in the Great American Song Contest, Angela Soffe reveals herself a force to be reckoned with.

She is one of today’s most promising and gifted songwriters and artists. Her songs are elegantly crafted, filled with purpose, and readily appealing to a wide range of audiences.”

— Steve Cahill, Founder and President of the Songwriters Resource Network

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